0 Kindly leave ur footprints here:D(comment) Wednesday, 4 January 2012 04:51
First day of scholl was LIKE..the first day of being sent to hell! All the teahers, the dramas,the crazy bitch..pergh# I dont know what's left IN me at school. aLL i KNOW is THAT I'll be sitting 4 PMR & my goal is 2 achieve 8A'S.
Let me tell you something at school today. Its about my all seniors in school.And by meanig seniors, they're not helping me much. And when I say much..it means a lot dude. Support for the junior.??NOPE! They didin't even trying too. Instead..they tried to be the 'BOSS'' withinselves and trying to make us scares. They never even smiles to us neither a 'hi' Talk aboit selfish.#
I was the kid who was being sent to the ''Hell''. Why? First, I was alone when I came to school. No one was waiting 4 me. I was sitting in the bus alone. But luckily, when I came 2 school this morning, my friend, Salehah arrived just in time! phew# :)Goodbye loneliness~
Prefect??LlotS of differentS from what I aspected.They're all mean and big and just CRAZY! I know this is how its supposed to be. But I,, I dont want to be mean toward the students. Our teacher prefects??Urgh,,a bunch of karmas!! Ade ke patut Puan Norlia sound kat I yg tudung bawal xleh pakai?? I Jut ikot peraturan yg ditetapkan oleh ckgu Aishah thun lepas. Mengikot peraturan tersebut,,pompuan mesti pakai kemeja, TUDUNG BAWAL, dn kain lipat blakang. And did i do as I was told?? yes..i DID! abiss?? Wak2 kena sound,,I was drowning with FEARS. She said, '' Sejak bile pakai tudung mcm ni?? Awak ni form brape??''..Ayt xleh k belar.pergh.Nk jawab soalan tu,,hakhakhak! Suara x kluar pown dri mulut I. nAK NANGIS ADER GAK. hahah! ( x lawok ok!)
Again, my seniors? They went silent. No one there yg nk back me up. Well,,aceppt 4 this one akk.But it was useless! My juniors pown ...err..hampeh!! Recess?? they were acting like animals.HAHAH! ( jgn nk terasa. but this is my point of view).
Esok dh stat bertugas. I x kisah kumpulan maner pown I AKN dicampakkN.Just..please! Take easy on me.haa,,baru nk igt. Ade sa2 kakak ni ..dy suka buli I dri fom1 lg Nk kater dy suka mengusik pown xleh sbb dy wat hidup org dlm ketakutan jerr. And this is what they are call ''TREATHENING''
pergh,,nk tau SAper gak ker?? Nanti kalo sebut tersedak akk uh. hikhik. Yelah,,akk ''F''
Wak2 perimponan dy ckp,..eh! I mean ..dy treathening I ans say, ''Lantak kome!! Nanti kena baca MC time perhimponan! haha!'' aq lg nk gelak time dy ckp mcm uh. Maner ad org'' BACA MC''bhhahahaha! Raser nk ckp jer mcm uh kt dy. tp..ahah lantak arr..biar jer~Tugas sbg MC adelah! hakakhakh!!Tulah akibatnyew ckp memandai lebih jer~
Being prefect spatutnya dpt memperbaiki akhlak seseorang. Tp I tgk senior2 pgws..smuanya ego. I mean ,,ape yg korang nk wat ngan ego tu?? Why cant you just be urself. It is okey to be childish 4 once in a life time ..(like me & salehah). I and salehah ni childish skit,,siap org kutuk2 prangai kitorang mcm budak2,,siap lg ader org ckp,''Why can't u act like a grown up person??''bhahahah! Lawok dorang ni! bhahah.- tp I raserr..okey lg drpd jd org yg nk cpt BERDEWASA.--.matang x bertempat<---TAH PAP PE. My life is all about hapiness. jd I just want 2 be myself.
Its 8:40pm and I'm still continously writting about my blog. Homeworks?? In my dream I siapkan. Bukan xnak siapkan ptg td..tp I dh xsihaht ni sbb skolah nyerr pasal. Demam , babe!---OK..esok klas muzik. I xnak aspect yg fun2 sbb ni kn skolah pagi. so mesti jauh beza dri sesi ptg. kn?kn?kn? pfft-
okey. skang dh 8:45pm..wow,,cpt masa berlalu--kay arr,, is time 4 me 2 close this stupid chapter. Nk siapkan keja BM yg xde mengena ngan PMR! k..assalamualaikum :)
P/s: xder niat nk kutuk. Maaf kalo ader terkasar bahasa. tp i dh fed up ngan sesi pg. counting down the days for saturday. 2morrow is thusrday,,and the day after thursday is friday. So we will see what's going to happen. Taget I ari ni nk tdo 9:45. ( pukol 4:00 I tdO,,I tdo smpai 7:30 MALAM) Alaa,,BM bleh siap dlm 10 minit. Chaiyok!!
WAIT! I'm not finish,,dy xsenyum pown kt I! Pfft-saddist btul.! :- c
ok,,bye 4 now. :3
Labels: School IN morning session